Focus: Venues & high-density Wi-Fi


Venues of all kinds – retail, hospitality, airports, stadiums, you name it – are playing a vital role in todays world of public Wi-Fi access. Providing free (or included) Wi-Fi is practically a given at any venue. But how to convert venue Wi-Fi into cash – whether you’re a carrier, a managed service provider, or venue owner – is still a challenge and a big business opportunity in the making.

“The balance of power for public access Wi-Fi lies with the venue owners & real estate companies of the world. By combining the great versatility of Wi-Fi to deliver content, engagement, and connectivity to guests, venues have a huge opportunity to boost their businesses. Transforming the guest & retail experience is the playground of creative tech startups – and a new paradigm in public access.”

Venues and service providers all over the world are using the strength of Wi-Fi – it’s versatility to do deliver content, engagement, & just plain old connectivity – to create new value to consumers. Innovation from the likes of Euclid Analytics, Zapfi, Loop21, Purple Wi-Fi, Frontporch, Cloud4Wi and many others is breaking new ground. It’s all about intelligent ads, consumer engagement, and analytics.

This is the world of Big Data and online advertising mixed with a healthy dose of new, groundbreaking Wi-Fi technology. The potential is huge. Here’s another perspective: Imagine a world where consumers can access any venue Wi-Fi network seamlessly, meaning without having to select an SSID. This may soon be possible if venues begin adopting Hotspot 2.0 – or use Hotspot 2.0 managed services. We’re bringing the experts to Wi-Fi NOW to tell you all about it.