William is CTO at Access Partnership, a global technology and advocacy consultancy, where he provides client strategy, designs technical solutions and helps transpose them into law and regulation and helps set strategic direction to ensure Access Partnership continues its rapid growth.
He is a highly experienced strategist, technologist and Board member. His experience spans industry, Government and academia and roles include CTO, CSO, CEO, Board Chairman, consultant and advisor. He has worked for companies from start-ups he co-founded to Motorola and now acts as a trusted advisor, strategist and change-agent for CEOs, senior Government members and others.
His skills lie in bringing about change and innovation in areas where technology and strategy intertwine and where influencing both individuals and wider audiences is important. This has included devising and implementing new strategies for managing the UK’s radio spectrum, bring Europe’s largest Engineering Institution into the 21st Century, forming a standards body and bringing a range of key industry players onto the Board and advising Secretaries of State and University Vice Chancellors.
Widely renown as one of the most intelligent and capable individuals in the communications arena, he gained the top first class honours degree from the top University in Electronics in the UK. He was one of the youngest Fellows ever elected to the Royal Academy of Engineering, the youngest President of the IET for a century and has been awarded three honorary doctorates and three visiting Professorships and in 2018 the IET’s highest medal – the Mountbatten Award.
He has huge commercial experience, starting with an MBA, advising the CEO of Motorola, being part of the Senior Management Team at Ofcom, starting a Cambridge-based high-tech company subsequently sold to Huawei for $25m, and forming and acting as CEO of a standards body. At the IET he was the President where he chaired the Board of Trustees.
He has built a successful portfolio career which a CEO role, member of multiple advisory boards and prestige consulting services. He is available for consultancy and longer-term positions.
Specialties: Wireless, cellular, spectrum, regulation, standardisation, M2M