They say it’s better to be lucky than good. But smart lawyering is the next best thing to dumb luck.
HWG is a boutique firm that focuses on solving serious legal problems that call for seasoned judgment and experience. Our lawyers have the skills, experience, creativity, and concentrated know-how to solve complex legal problems in a way that makes business sense and mitigates risk. As a result, we have earned a first class reputation for excellence in telecom and technology regulation, trial and appellate litigation, legal and governmental ethics, energy, national security, and privacy.
We strive to represent our clients with unsurpassed effectiveness and professionalism. Toward that end, we hire the most talented lawyers we can find, and we maintain a collegial, high-autonomy working environment that maximizes the value of sound judgment among extremely talented peers. We aspire to attract the most challenging matters, because that is when we are at our best. An important measure of our success is that clients who come to us with emergency problems often continue to rely on us after the emergency is over, to help them navigate even ordinary risks. We can do this very efficiently, without the indolence or bloat found at many larger firms.