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French writer Victor Hugo famously said: No army can withstand the strength of an idea whose time has come.
And now, the time has come for auto-connect Wi-Fi services on your phone everywhere indoors including at venues of all kinds. At Wi-Fi NOW we’re delighted to be launching our new European Wi-Fi services initiative OrpheusConnect, a SaaS mobile network operator solution delivering vastly improved indoor mobile services over enterprise-grade Wi-Fi at public venues – at negligible cost.
Not only will OrpheusConnect deliver the quality indoor mobile quality of experience that every MNO needs. It will also greatly benefit the broad enterprise and service provider Wi-Fi ecosystems by delivering the right high-quality services, stimulating demand for high-quality professional Wi-Fi, and creating real connectivity value for consumers. Orpheus Wireless is the European partner of San Francisco-based American Bandwidth.
Duration: Approximately 1 hour including presentations and audience Q&A.