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A Wi-Fi NOW Special Event: Strategies for delivering & supporting home Wi-Fi QoE
Home Wi-Fi quality of experience (QoE) is still one of the hottest topics in the industry as both home Wi-Fi traffic and the number of connected devices in the home continue to surge. Factor in rising subscriber expectations and the result is that ISPs are under increasing pressure to deliver high Wi-Fi QoE in support of the in-home experience. During this Special Event we will explore:
- Challenges ISPs need to overcome to resolve Wi-Fi QoE issues
- Strategies and technologies recommended to improve the in-home experience
- The impact of these strategies and technologies on operational efficiency and revenue growth
To help us answer these questions and more, we’re delighted that some of the world’s foremost experts are joining us – including renowned telco & Wi-Fi analyst Adlane Fellah, Wi-Fi technology veteran Sami Susiaho of service provider Sky (U.K), and Jason Moore, CEO of Wi-Fi optimisation vendor RouteThis. As always this Wi-Fi NOW Special Event will be hosted & moderated by Claus Hetting.
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