Reach out to thousands of Wi-Fi industry leaders
Wi-Fi NOW Media is your opportunity to connect with our community of 19,000+ Wi-Fi decision makers from the Wi-Fi industry around the world. Every day, Wi-Fi NOW brings great new stories & thought leadership to light. Together, we set the agenda. And we invite you to be a part of this.
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Wi-Fi NOW Media just works. Get in touch with us today
All of our content routinely gets hundred or even thousands of views and as a result, you will get a ton of direct engagement. If you’d like to know more about Wi-Fi NOW Media, contact Claus Hetting at [email protected] or Maria Thomsen at [email protected].
Examples of Wi-Fi NOW Media services
- Featured news items on Wi-Fi NOW News for thousands of reads
- Industry-leading VoD (video-on-demand) webinars
- Video interviews on Wi-Fi NOW TV (16,000 subscribers)
- Guest blogs on the Wi-Fi NOW News & Analysis weekly newsletter (view sample)
- Custom-crafted content (case stories, blogs, commentary, etc) by our expert writers (view sample)
- Dedicated email blasts (white papers, product launches, etc.)
- Banners on our newsletter to drive traffic to your site
- Weekly or monthly distribution & content campaigns
- SoMe (LinkedIn, Twitter) support with exposure towards thousands of industry leaders
More credentials: Survey on promotion effectiveness (April 2019)
A while ago we conducted a survey on which organisation is the best for Wi-Fi business promotion. The redacted results are shown below. According to 237 industry experts, Wi-Fi NOW performs 30% better than competing organisations in promoting Wi-Fi as a business.