By Claus Hetting, Wi-Fi NOW CEO & Chairman
The OpenSync platform for delivery of home broadband services (including cloud-based home Wi-Fi management) has been around for some years. This week Plume is extending its market reach: OpenSync Lite targets less capable CPE hardware, adding essential Wi-Fi features for consumers and remote visibility for CSPs, Plume says. The target market is any CSP needing to extend the active lifetime of Wi-Fi 5 CPEs with limited memory.
Interested in launching cutting-edge home broadband services but not yet part of the OpenSync ecosystem? Now here’s your chance. This week Plume launched the OpenSync Lite platform, which will allow nearly all established home CSPs to deliver and benefit from advanced services. Plume says OpenSync Lite is designed with particular emphasis on empowering Wi-Fi 5-based CPEs to deliver optimised home Wi-Fi and analytics for troubleshooting.
“OpenSync Lite is a network potential multiplier for any CSP with deployed limited-capability CPEs. By enabling advanced support visibility and unlocking new services, CSPs can increase revenue and extend the useful life of existing CPEs. This reduces operational support costs, delays capital expenditure, and boosts recurring revenue, ensuring a solid return on investment,” says Adam Hotchkiss, Co-founder & Vice President of Customer Solutions at Plume.
OpenSync Lite will support a somewhat reduced set of Wi-Fi management features but will retain what are arguably the most important: Cloud-based Wi-Fi optimisation and QoE delivered via Plume’s adaptive Wi-Fi. Plume’s ‘Haystack’ – featuring analysis, monitoring, and troubleshooting for CSPs – is fully supported, Plume says. For more details also see here. OpenSync Lite also enables Plume’s HomePass app for CSP subscribers to manage their network.
The introduction of OpenSync Lite is likely to have the greatest impact on tier-2 and tier-3 operators in low ARPU markets but it is designed to be beneficial to any CSP looking for additional visibility and control of legacy deployed CPEs. Plume says several OpenSync integrations have been performed and launched on CPEs targeted for OpenSync Lite, especially in emerging markets. “The OpenSync Lite program simplifies the integration and time-to-market operations of OpenSync allowing CSPs to integrate and launch advanced services in a matter of weeks and not months,” Plume says.
Plume is a Wi-Fi NOW partner and Plume execs are frequent keynote speakers at Wi-Fi World Congress including at the upcoming Wi-Fi World Congress Europe 2024 in Geneva, Switzerland on September 23-25, where Plume CEO & co-founder Fahri Diner will be presenting.